Grant Criteria
Approved gap grants are available up to $1500 per recipient. To qualify for a Starfish Connection gap grant, clients must meet the following criteria:
1 ) The client needs a one-time, emergent gap grant and not ongoing support.
2 ) Need must qualify as emergent in one of the following areas:
Rental/housing assistance
Emergency temporary housing after displacement
Transportation - if it impedes a person getting to school or ends palliative treatment
Auto repair
MTD bus pass
Gift card for fuel (distributed by partnering organization)
Emergency displacement supplies:
School supplies
Lodging (see housing above) Burial or cremation assistance
3 ) Burial or cremation assistance. Client must be actively receiving services from a partnering nonprofit organization. That partner must have vetted the client and approved of their need.
4 ) Client must be referred to The Starfish Connection by an agent of the partnering organization. That agent must fill out the grant application on their behalf.
5 ) All the the following statements must be true:
Service needed is not available from partnering organization.
The client has exhausted the support available from the partnering organization.
The client does not qualify through other organizations or government agencies.
6 ) Clients must be able to provide proof of need i.e.: car repair bill, past due utility bill, tuition statement/books/materials list, burial or cremation invoice so that Starfish Connection can pay the invoice directly to the provider.
The Starfish Connection does not fund the following:
Direct payments to individuals
Medical bills
Medical procedures
Any ongoing financial support
Monthly utility bills/payments
Regular rent/housing payments
Transportation costs
Arts funding
Anyone not receiving services from one of our partnering organizations