Healing Justice Santa Barbara

I would like to express my appreciation for the gap grant that The Starfish Connection has graciously extended to me. I have gone through a lot to accomplish all that I can after what I went through, separating my children to make kids’ life better. Once my job decided to let me go due to their financial issues it became my financial issue. I tried to make it work but without a way to get back and forth to work at what ever job I find I will⁠ need reliable transportation.⁠⁠ With this grant I am able to have transportation to find work and being that I am older. It is a blessing that now I will have a vehicle that can help me get that place I am so ready to get to. ⁠

Thank you to your organization. I can now accomplish what my destiny has opened a door to. My deepest gratitude goes out to The Starfish Connection for your support. I will make you proud that you have helped me become what I know is waiting for me.



Community Crisis Funding


Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation